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Scientists grow human kidneys inside a pig for the first time
Scientists grow human kidneys inside a pig for the first time
Scientists have grown human kidneys in pigs, for the very first time. Researchers at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wuyi University created human-pig chimeric embryos containing a combination of human and pig cells. When they transferred into 13 surrogate pig mothers, they developed kidneys that contained mostly human cells at a rate of 50 to 60 per cent, giving hope for potential transplants in the future. “Rat organs have been produced in mice, and mouse organs have been produced in rats, but previous attempts to grow human organs in pigs have not succeeded,” said the senior author Liangxue Lai. “Our approach improves the integration of human cells into recipient tissues and allows us to grow human organs in pigs.” The kidneys were not entirely human as they included vasculature and nerves made mostly from pig cells, meaning they could not be used for transplantation in their current form, but it is still a pretty impressive step. And apart from the kidneys, the embryos were dominated by pig cells, with very few human cells in the brain or central nervous system. Making brains using human and pig cells is very controversial for ethical reasons, so there are tight regulations for this kind of research. Meanwhile, pig cells tend to outcompete human cells during development, so previous experiments have created embryos that are almost entirely pig. The latest work, published in Cell Stem Cell, overcame this by genetically engineering a single-cell pig embryo so that it lacked two genes needed for kidney development. This created a gap within the embryo that could be filled by human cells. “We found that if you create a niche in the pig embryo, then the human cells naturally go into these spaces,” said Prof Zhen Dai of Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, another senior author. The scientists said that being able to incubate a fully human kidney inside a pig would be likely to take many years. “We would probably need to engineer the pigs in a much more complex way and that also brings some additional challenges,” said Miguel Esteban, also of the Guangzhou institute and a senior author. A central challenge would be to allow human nerves and vasculature to develop within the target organ without nerve cells developing in the central nervous system that could lead to a humanised brain. “Even theoretically it’s not clear how you’d do that,” said Ilic. Sign up to our free Indy100 weekly newsletter Have your say in our news democracy. Click the upvote icon at the top of the page to help raise this article through the indy100 rankings.
2023-09-08 19:49
'I love that my daughter sees that I’m active...' Khloé Kardashian shares True inspiration for fitness regime
'I love that my daughter sees that I’m active...' Khloé Kardashian shares True inspiration for fitness regime
Reality queen Khloé Kardashian has revealed that her two children motivate her to commit to her exercise regime because she wants to inspire them to be active.
2023-09-08 18:51
Human embryo created without using sperm or eggs
Human embryo created without using sperm or eggs
Scientists in Israel have created a model of a human embryo from stem cells, without using sperm, eggs or a womb. A team at Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science made the model, which resembles an embryo at day 14, when it acquires internal structures but before it lays down the foundations for body organs, and the work was published in the journal Nature. But the scientists involved said it would take a long time yet to create an embryo from scratch. Team leader Jacob Hanna said the team took stem cells derived from adult human skin cells, as well as others cultured in the lab, then reverted the cells to an early state.They then manipulated them to make a model of an embryo, rather than an actual or synthetic one. "The question is, when does an embryo model become considered an embryo? When that happens, we know the regulations. At the moment we are really, really far off from that point," Hanna said. However, they said the work could open the door to new ways to test the effect of drugs on pregnancies, better understand miscarriages and genetic diseases, and maybe grow transplant tissues and organs. "They are not identical. There are differences from human embryos, but still, this is the first time, if you open an atlas or a textbook, you can say - yeah I can really see the similarity between them," said Hanna. "In about 1 percent of the aggregates we can see that the cells start differentiating correctly, migrating and sorting themselves into the correct structure, and the farthest we could get is day 14 in human embryo development," he said. Their next goal, Hanna said, is to advance to day 21 and also reach a threshold of a 50 per cent success rate. Magdalena Żernicka-Goetz, a professor of development and stem cells at the University of Cambridge, said the study joins six other similar human embryo-like models published from teams around the world this year, including from her lab. "None of these models fully recapitulate natural human development but each adds to ways in which many aspects of human development can now be studied experimentally," she said. Sign up to our free Indy100 weekly newsletter Have your say in our news democracy. Click the upvote icon at the top of the page to help raise this article through the indy100 rankings.
2023-09-08 18:26
Keane 'didn't know what they were doing' when they released Hopes and Fears
Keane 'didn't know what they were doing' when they released Hopes and Fears
Tom Chaplin admits that Keane were uncertain of themselves at the beginning of their music journey.
2023-09-08 18:17
5 things everyone needs to know about eczema
5 things everyone needs to know about eczema
It’s easy to dismiss eczema as just itchy dry skin. But as millions of people know, the effects of eczema go way beyond this. “Eczema is so much more than ‘just an itch’,” says Andrew Proctor, chief executive of the National Eczema Society. “Affecting over eight million people in the UK, this incurable, highly visible skin condition has a huge impact on every aspect of a person’s life, extending far beyond the physical symptoms of itchy, inflamed, sore, cracked and bleeding skin. “Living with eczema means constantly having to plan and prepare, as every decision you make will potentially affect your skin. It shapes your home environment, education, career, social life, hobbies, holidays and relationships, and as a result, patients often report feeling anxious, depressed, self-conscious, isolated and helpless.” This National Eczema Week (September 9-16), here’s what Proctor wants everyone to know… 1. It doesn’t just affect children Atopic eczema affects one in five children and one in 10 adults in the UK. Proctor says: “While eczema is often viewed as a childhood condition, it affects people of all ages. Some develop eczema as babies, others in childhood, but thankfully it can improve over time.” Some people will have eczema all their life however, and some only develop it in their later years. “The important thing is to seek medical advice as soon as possible to get control of the eczema and develop an effective skincare routine,” advises Proctor. 2. It’s not contagious Proctor says that sadly, many people still think you can catch eczema. “However, atopic eczema isn’t contagious,” he stresses – pointing out it’s a complex condition involving genes, the immune system, the environment and our skin barrier. “This means skin becomes very dry and doesn’t provide sufficient protection from irritants, allergens and infection.” To tackle this, a foundation of eczema care is to apply medical moisturisers (emollients) to trap water in the skin and help reinforce the skin barrier. “Finding the emollient that suits your skin best can involve a lot of trial and error, but it’s critical to managing eczema,” says Proctor. 3. Environment plays a huge role Environmental factors can trigger eczema flare-ups or make it worse. Common culprits include stress, being too hot/cold or experiencing a sudden change in temperature, soap, shampoo and bubble bath, laundry detergent and cleaning products, perfume, pollens and moulds, pet fur, wool and synthetic fabric, and house dust mites. “Everyone will have certain things that trigger their eczema, and these vary between people,” Proctor explains. “Try keeping a diary to help identify triggers and patterns, so you can remove likely suspects and see if it helps. Triggers can also change over time and it’s worth continuing with the diary even if you think you’ve identified yours.” 4. It’s hard not to scratch Proctor explains: “One of the most maddening things you can say to someone with eczema is ‘stop scratching’. It’s not that simple! The unbearable, relentless itch is one of the defining features of the condition, and patients refer to it as torture. “You know you shouldn’t scratch, as it damages the skin and can cause infections, but the relief it provides is irresistible.” To help manage the itch, Proctor suggests finding a positive distraction or asking others to help you take your mind off it. You could also try substituting another action for scratching – press a nail on the itchy patch or tap the skin gently with your forefinger; keep your hands occupied with a ball, toy or other object; or wrap a bag of frozen peas in a towel and apply it to the itchiest area. 5. It’s a mental as well as physical battle Living with eczema is mentally exhausting too. “It can be a rollercoaster of emotions, from excitement when you start a new treatment, to despair when it doesn’t work or you experience a bad flare-up,” says Proctor. “There can be huge frustration too, when you do everything you’ve been asked and the eczema still refuses to give you any respite.” If this happens, as well as asking your GP or dermatologist for a review, it’s important to reach out to family and friends for support: “People who are able to open up about how their eczema truly affects them can feel a huge weight has been lifted.” Other ways to help cope include good nutrition and hydration, regular exercise, rest and relaxation. “Journaling, meditation and mindfulness can help you focus on the good things in your life and counterbalance negative feelings about eczema,” adds Proctor. “When so much time and effort goes into managing your eczema, it’s easy to forget there’s more to you than just your skin. Think about what you want to accomplish and formulate a plan. It’s about living successfully alongside eczema, not having your life defined by it.” For more information, visit eczema.org. The NES’ new video – More Than ‘Just An Itch’ – goes live on September 9 to mark National Eczema Week. Read More How many times a week you need to workout to get fit Shaquille O’Neal says he lost 55 pounds after being unable to climb stairs How did man who dodged theme parks due to his weight lose nearly 60kg? What your dog’s ear movements say about their health, according to a vet Terminally ill mum prepares for worst after numb hand turns out to be deadly disease Man who went to Turkey to make himself taller says pain was ‘worth it’
2023-09-08 18:16
Ed Sheeran announces special shows at London's Royal Albert Hall
Ed Sheeran announces special shows at London's Royal Albert Hall
Ed Sheeran has announced plans to perform two shows at the Royal Albert Hall in London in November.
2023-09-08 18:16
This is why you have weird dreams in the heatwave
This is why you have weird dreams in the heatwave
Everyone has a theory about their dreams and the science or meaning behind them. And when the weather hots up, the more bizarre they tend to get. “Dreams are a fascinating and enigmatic phenomenon that occur during sleep, encompassing a vast realm of imaginative experiences,” says sleep expert and CEO of MattressNextDay, Martin Seeley. “They are a collection of thoughts, images, sensations, and emotions that unfold within the theatre of our minds.” Why do we dream? When we sleep, our brain enters a complex state where it engages in various cognitive processes, explains Seeley, including memory consolidation, problem-solving and emotional regulation. “Dreams are thought to emerge from these processes, weaving together fragments of memories, desires, fears, and subconscious thoughts into a narrative or non-linear sequence,” adds Seeley. “And they can be surreal, vivid, or mundane, blurring the boundaries between reality and fantasy.” While the precise purpose and meaning of dreams remains a subject of exploration and debate, Seeley says they can serve as a portal into the inner workings of our minds: “Providing a canvas for exploration, processing of emotions, and glimpses into the subconscious depths of our psyche.” Why do we dream more when it’s hot? Lisa Artis, deputy CEO of The Sleep Charity, says: “When the weather is hot, it can disrupt our sleeping patterns, making it difficult to fall asleep in the first place – and causes us to wake more often during the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep phase.” REM sleep is where we experience intense dreaming, explains Artis – so waking during or at the end of this cycle can mean we are more likely to remember our dreams. “Dreams happen regularly, but are often forgotten and our mind’s way of unpacking the day’s events, dealing with stress and sorting through our day-to-day thoughts,” notes Artis. Our body heat generally peaks in the afternoon then starts to drop over an evening to prepare us for sleep, says Artis. Melatonin, the sleep hormone, is produced when this happens.“An ideal temperature is around 16-18°C and anything around the 24°C mark can cause restlessness,” says Artis. “So, it’s no surprise that when we’re experiencing a heatwave with temperatures reaching over 30°C, it affects our sleep.”Can a heatwave really make dreams more surreal? The connection between heatwaves and the content or nature of dreams is not fully understood. However, there may be a few possible explanations if your dreams seem weirder when the weather heats up – although Seeley points out these are all speculative. First off, he agrees it may have a lot to do with the fact we’re less comfortable and waking more when it’s hot. “These frequent awakenings can interrupt the normal sleep cycle and result in a higher probability of remembering dreams, including the more unusual or vivid ones,” he notes. “So, during a heatwave, the increased frequency of waking up during the night might contribute to a greater recall of strange or funky dreams.” Secondly, the body’s physiological response to heat may influence brain activity, he adds: “Heat can affect neurotransmitter levels, such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a role in regulating mood and emotions. These alterations in neurotransmitter activity might impact the content and emotional tone of dreams, potentially leading to more surreal or bizarre experiences.” Psychological factors could also play a role. Heatwaves can cause restlessness and increased stress levels in some individuals. Seeley adds: “Stress and emotional fluctuations can manifest in dreams as strange or unusual scenarios, as the mind processes and attempts to make sense of these experiences.” Can we stop strange heatwave dreams happening? While it’s probably not possible to completely control the content of our dreams, there are certain strategies you can try to promote better sleep – and potentially reduce the likelihood of experiencing a restless night and unusual dreams during hot weather. Create a cool sleep environment: “Use fans, air conditioning, or open windows to circulate cool air in your bedroom – and consider using lightweight, breathable bedding materials,” says Seeley. Stay hydrated: “Drink enough water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, especially during hot weather,” he continues. “Being adequately hydrated can help maintain a balanced sleep cycle.” Practice relaxation techniques: “Engage in activities that promote relaxation before bed, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or taking a warm bath,” suggests Seeley. “These practices can help calm your mind and promote a more restful sleep.” Read More Charity boss speaks out over ‘traumatic’ encounter with royal aide Ukraine war’s heaviest fight rages in east - follow live All the times Kate has channelled the late Queen’s style since her death It’s not just dry skin: 5 things everyone needs to know about eczema YouTube begins verifying videos by UK doctors to tackle health misinformation
2023-09-08 17:45
'Just respect for a master': Guillermo del Toro wants cinema release for William Friedkin's last film
'Just respect for a master': Guillermo del Toro wants cinema release for William Friedkin's last film
Guillermo del Toro has called for the 'The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial' to be released in cinemas as a tribute to director William Friedkin - who passed away aged 87 last month.
2023-09-08 17:26
'I don't think you're ever the first choice': Sir Ian McKellen almost missed out on The Lord of the Rings
'I don't think you're ever the first choice': Sir Ian McKellen almost missed out on The Lord of the Rings
Sir Ian McKellen has revealed that he wasn't the first choice to play Gandalf in 'The Lord of the Rings' franchise and got the part after Sir Anthony Hopkins and Sir Sean Connery turned it down.
2023-09-08 17:22
US Treasury to issue more clean energy tax credit guidance by year-end
US Treasury to issue more clean energy tax credit guidance by year-end
By David Lawder WASHINGTON The U.S. Treasury said on Friday it will provide guidance on additional clean energy
2023-09-08 17:15
YouTube begins verifying videos by UK doctors to tackle health misinformation
YouTube begins verifying videos by UK doctors to tackle health misinformation
YouTube has launched a verification system for UK-based doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to help Britons dodge medical misinformation online. UK-based users accounted for more than two billion video views of clips on health conditions in 2021. YouTube added a new seal of approval to accounts run by licensed doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other health practitioners or organisations who have passed stringent verification checks to fight misinformation. YouTube head of UK health Dr Vishaal Virani said the move to verified health videos for UK users was crucial due to the number of Brits accessing healthcare information through the video-sharing platform. Dr Virani told the BBC: “Whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, whether the health industry is pushing for it or not, people are accessing health information online. We all know how difficult it can be to differentiate between healthcare information from trusted and reliable sources and content which is inaccurate or doubtful provenance Professor Dame Helen Stokes-Lampard “We need to do as good a job as possible to bring rigour to the content that they are subsequently consuming when they do start their care journey online.” The verification system began accepting applications from UK-based healthcare professionals to those with an active medical licence in June. Accounts that applied to the verification scheme are now starting to receive their YouTube mark of authenticity on their videos, to make it as easy as possible users to know if the information has come from a qualified healthcare professional. Potential health creators submitting their accounts have to go through a rigorous, multi-stepped verification process that works in partnership with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the NHS. Health creators also have their past videos scrutinised and do not receive verification if previous videos uploaded to YouTube have contained any medical misinformation. Chairwoman of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Professor Dame Helen Stokes-Lampard said the partnership with YouTube had resulted in a positive solution for all. Dame Helen said in a statement: “We all know how difficult it can be to differentiate between healthcare information from trusted and reliable sources and content which is inaccurate or doubtful provenance. “I am pleased to say we have been able to draw on our own expertise and that of organisations from across the UK healthcare landscape to produce an easy-to-apply set of principles which will ultimately benefit everyone who turns to YouTube seeking trustworthy health information.” YouTuber and doctor Simi Adedeji has already received her YouTube tick of approval. But Dr Adedeji told the BBC that her videos, which primarily focus on skin health and women’s health, are not to be used in lieu of making an appointment with a medical professional for real-life advice. Dr Adedeji said: “There’s a difference between giving medical education, which is what we’re doing, and giving medical advice, which we don’t do. “It’s about giving medical information so that the audience feels empowered and can then go and see their doctor.” Read More Charity boss speaks out over ‘traumatic’ encounter with royal aide Ukraine war’s heaviest fight rages in east - follow live Should you swap your foundation for a lightweight skin tint? What should you do if you think your child is being bullied at school? What women should do if they experience violence online
2023-09-08 16:25
It’s not just dry skin: 5 things everyone needs to know about eczema
It’s not just dry skin: 5 things everyone needs to know about eczema
It’s easy to dismiss eczema as just itchy dry skin. But as millions of people know, the effects of eczema go way beyond this. “Eczema is so much more than ‘just an itch’,” says Andrew Proctor, chief executive of the National Eczema Society. “Affecting over eight million people in the UK, this incurable, highly visible skin condition has a huge impact on every aspect of a person’s life, extending far beyond the physical symptoms of itchy, inflamed, sore, cracked and bleeding skin. “Living with eczema means constantly having to plan and prepare, as every decision you make will potentially affect your skin. It shapes your home environment, education, career, social life, hobbies, holidays and relationships, and as a result, patients often report feeling anxious, depressed, self-conscious, isolated and helpless.” This National Eczema Week (September 9-16), here’s what Proctor wants everyone to know… 1. It doesn’t just affect children Atopic eczema affects one in five children and one in 10 adults in the UK. Proctor says: “While eczema is often viewed as a childhood condition, it affects people of all ages. Some develop eczema as babies, others in childhood, but thankfully it can improve over time.” Some people will have eczema all their life however, and some only develop it in their later years. “The important thing is to seek medical advice as soon as possible to get control of the eczema and develop an effective skincare routine,” advises Proctor. 2. It’s not contagious Proctor says that sadly, many people still think you can catch eczema. “However, atopic eczema isn’t contagious,” he stresses – pointing out it’s a complex condition involving genes, the immune system, the environment and our skin barrier. “This means skin becomes very dry and doesn’t provide sufficient protection from irritants, allergens and infection.” To tackle this, a foundation of eczema care is to apply medical moisturisers (emollients) to trap water in the skin and help reinforce the skin barrier. “Finding the emollient that suits your skin best can involve a lot of trial and error, but it’s critical to managing eczema,” says Proctor. 3. Environment plays a huge role Environmental factors can trigger eczema flare-ups or make it worse. Common culprits include stress, being too hot/cold or experiencing a sudden change in temperature, soap, shampoo and bubble bath, laundry detergent and cleaning products, perfume, pollens and moulds, pet fur, wool and synthetic fabric, and house dust mites. “Everyone will have certain things that trigger their eczema, and these vary between people,” Proctor explains. “Try keeping a diary to help identify triggers and patterns, so you can remove likely suspects and see if it helps. Triggers can also change over time and it’s worth continuing with the diary even if you think you’ve identified yours.” 4. It’s hard not to scratch Proctor explains: “One of the most maddening things you can say to someone with eczema is ‘stop scratching’. It’s not that simple! The unbearable, relentless itch is one of the defining features of the condition, and patients refer to it as torture. “You know you shouldn’t scratch, as it damages the skin and can cause infections, but the relief it provides is irresistible.” To help manage the itch, Proctor suggests finding a positive distraction or asking others to help you take your mind off it. You could also try substituting another action for scratching – press a nail on the itchy patch or tap the skin gently with your forefinger; keep your hands occupied with a ball, toy or other object; or wrap a bag of frozen peas in a towel and apply it to the itchiest area. 5. It’s a mental as well as physical battle Living with eczema is mentally exhausting too. “It can be a rollercoaster of emotions, from excitement when you start a new treatment, to despair when it doesn’t work or you experience a bad flare-up,” says Proctor. “There can be huge frustration too, when you do everything you’ve been asked and the eczema still refuses to give you any respite.” If this happens, as well as asking your GP or dermatologist for a review, it’s important to reach out to family and friends for support: “People who are able to open up about how their eczema truly affects them can feel a huge weight has been lifted.” Other ways to help cope include good nutrition and hydration, regular exercise, rest and relaxation. “Journaling, meditation and mindfulness can help you focus on the good things in your life and counterbalance negative feelings about eczema,” adds Proctor. “When so much time and effort goes into managing your eczema, it’s easy to forget there’s more to you than just your skin. Think about what you want to accomplish and formulate a plan. It’s about living successfully alongside eczema, not having your life defined by it.” For more information, visit eczema.org. The NES’ new video – More Than ‘Just An Itch’ – goes live on September 9 to mark National Eczema Week. Read More Charity boss speaks out over ‘traumatic’ encounter with royal aide Ukraine war’s heaviest fight rages in east - follow live YouTube begins verifying videos by UK doctors to tackle health misinformation Should you swap your foundation for a lightweight skin tint? What should you do if you think your child is being bullied at school?
2023-09-08 16:20