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Taking the Leap: 11 of the Best Signature Touchdown Celebrations in NFL History
Taking the Leap: 11 of the Best Signature Touchdown Celebrations in NFL History
Bust a move on the gridiron with these iconic touchdown celebrations from NFL history, including Homer Jones’ first-ever end zone spike and more.
2023-08-23 00:28
Listeria outbreak: Three die after drinking contaminated milkshakes
Listeria outbreak: Three die after drinking contaminated milkshakes
Health officials trace the bacteria to ice cream machines at a popular burger chain in Washington.
2023-08-22 23:53
Listeria warning issued after three deaths linked to contaminated ice cream machines
Listeria warning issued after three deaths linked to contaminated ice cream machines
Three people have died and three others have been hospitalized after drinking milkshakes contaminated with Listeria bacteria from a restaurant in Tacoma, Washington, health officials say.
2023-08-21 04:29
11 Fictional Bands Who Scored Very Real Hit Songs
11 Fictional Bands Who Scored Very Real Hit Songs
The Monkees may not have been a "real" band, but their chart-topping legacy speaks for itself.
2023-08-19 05:17
10 Useful Gadgets That Will Help You Turn Your Old Car Into a Smart Car
10 Useful Gadgets That Will Help You Turn Your Old Car Into a Smart Car
Want to upgrade your ride without dropping a small fortune on a new one? With these affordable smart car accessories, you can.
2023-08-19 00:24
16 Animals With Delightfully Obvious Names
16 Animals With Delightfully Obvious Names
From burrowing owls to smooth green snakes, these animal names don't leave much to the imagination.
2023-08-18 06:24
7 Morning Habits That Can Affect Your Entire Day
7 Morning Habits That Can Affect Your Entire Day
Set the right tone for the rest of the day by following these expert-approved tips.
2023-08-18 00:24
5 viral TikTok fake tanning tips for the perfect summer glow
5 viral TikTok fake tanning tips for the perfect summer glow
With the distinct lack of sunshine we’ve experienced so far this summer, fake tan has been more important than ever for those of us who love the bronzed look. Whether you’re a seasoned sunless tanner or you’ve recently discovered the joy of the faux glow, there’s always room for improvement – and TikTok is full of advice for perfecting your self-tanning routine. Experts and amateurs alike have been racking up millions of views with their viral videos sharing best-performing products and clever application techniques. Here are five pro tips from TikTok to help you level up your DIY tan… 1. Prep your skin properly To ensure a streak-free finish, smooth skin is key. And if you really want to be thorough, your self-tan routine should start in the shower 24 hours before you apply your fake tan. Beauty influencer Aurora Lovestrand recommends using an exfoliating scrub and a body brush to whisk away any dead skin cells and leave the perfect base for tanning. 2. Try a blending brush Previously, tanning experts recommended using the leftover mousse on your tanning mitt to apply a light layer of product to areas like hands, feet and elbows. A blending brush is even better – the soft, tightly packed bristles let you deliver just the right amount of product and avoid any streaks or uneven patches. 3. Top up with tanning drops When you’ve tanned from top to toe, it’s normal for your face to fade faster than the rest of your body, particularly if you use exfoliating products or cotton pads to remove your make-up every day. Tanning expert Jules Von Hep says self-tan drops are perfect for topping up your tan in a flash. Simply mix a few drops into your usual night cream (start with three and add more next time if want a deeper shade), apply all over your face, ears and neck, and you’ll wake up beautifully bronzed. 4. Use a back applicator Do you struggle to reach the middle of your back with your tanning mitt, no matter how much you stretch and contort yourself? Beauty editor Sigourney Cantelo says a tanning back applicator is a game-changer. Pump your fave fake tan mousse into the middle of the applicator and rub it across your back to blend into those hard-to-reach areas. 5. Try tantouring your face The longer-lasting version of contouring, tantouring means using fake tan to add glow and definition to your face. Beauty influencer Elle McNamara, aka Bambi Does Beauty, has perfected her technique, using a foundation brush to apply one-hour tanning mousse to her forehead, cheekbones, jawline and eyelids. She then uses a thin brush to add ‘eyeliner’ and tantour her nose and under her bottom lip, with impressive results. Read More Charity boss speaks out over ‘traumatic’ encounter with royal aide Ukraine war’s heaviest fight rages in east - follow live Not got the A-level grades you needed? Here’s how to get started with the clearing process Jennifer Lopez shares her beauty regime – here’s how to look after skin in your 50s 11 glorious ways to bring green into your home
2023-08-17 19:52
4 of the Best Ergonomic Office Chairs, According to Experts
4 of the Best Ergonomic Office Chairs, According to Experts
The best ergonomic office chairs on Amazon and other sites can be pricey, but experts say these picks are well worth the investment.
2023-08-17 04:25
Time Traveler’s Guide: Verb Tenses in 8 Languages From Around the World
Time Traveler’s Guide: Verb Tenses in 8 Languages From Around the World
If you've ever felt that English could use a couple more tenses to truly capture the nuances of the past, present, and future, this exploration of languages that have taken verb tenses to fascinating new heights is for you.
2023-08-17 00:20
Half of anxiety and depression cases in new and expectant mums are missed: 7 signs a new mum needs help
Half of anxiety and depression cases in new and expectant mums are missed: 7 signs a new mum needs help
Half of all anxiety and depression cases among new and expectant mothers are going undiagnosed, according to a new report. Although 10-20% of women develop mental health problems, which can include anxiety and depression, during pregnancy or within the first year after having a baby, 50% of cases are being missed – despite contact with professionals, the report by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) found. The report suggested that mental health needs are still secondary to physical health during pregnancy, and has called for a boost in midwife numbers to help spot more cases of mental ill health. Amanda Mansfield, professional advisor to the RCM and one of the lead authors of the report, said the 20% of new or expectant mothers who have mental health issues will experience a range of symptoms. “Often the ‘baby blues’ is normalised because it’s something lots of people get, and women are told, ‘You’ll be fine’,” Mansfield told PA Media. “That can contribute to the fact that significant numbers of women downplay their symptoms – in some reports, up to 70% of women don’t feel able to disclose how they feel, they may feel judged. “Some women feel it may affect their ability to mother, or they may be concerned their baby may be taken away.” Mansfield added that some women may feel unable to share their symptoms with a health professional, because they’re worried about how they’re going to be perceived. “But it really is ok to not be ok, rather than women playing down and diluting their feelings,” she added. It’s a good idea for everyone to be aware of mental health risks during pregnancy and beyond. Here are seven signs that somebody might need mental health support, and how to talk about it… 1. DepressionPregnant women or new mums may feel low, unhappy and tearful for much or all of the time. Mansfield said: “It’s looking for the variation in normal patterns of behaviour. Family and friends should ask, in a very compassionate, non-judgmental way, how the woman’s feeling.” If friends and family don’t feel confident about having such conversations, they should encourage the woman to talk to her health professional, Mansfield added. 2. Anxiety Feelings of anxiety can manifest in many ways, and physical symptoms can include a racing pulse, breathlessness and sweating. But whether there are physical symptoms or not, it’s vital for women to talk about how they’re feeling, said Mansfield. “A woman may say she feels particularly anxious about the birth, or relatives coming over, or the in-laws, and having the space to talk about it is really important, to share the anxiety with a midwife that she has a relationship with.” If these anxious feelings don’t improve over time, Mansfield said they can be referred to a specialist midwife who’s an expert in perinatal mental health, and who may be able to offer additional interventions and support. 3. Altered sleep patterns All new parents will of course find their sleep is affected, but if there is also an underlying mental health issue going on, exhausted women may find it even hard to fall or stay asleep. “Women may have significantly disrupted sleep patterns, but we often normalise that with later pregnancy and new parents having difficulty sleeping,” Mansfield pointed out. “It’s really important that if you’re having problems sleeping, and you may be unable to settle and find your mood is a lot lower, you talk to your health professional about that.” 4. Appetite changes “Some people do find their appetite is affected,” said Mansfield. This may mean women lose their appetite and forget to eat or, conversely, comfort eat and possibly put weight on. 5. Difficulty concentrating It’s common for women to describe having ‘brain fog’ when they’re pregnant or have just had a baby, but sometimes an inability to concentrate can be a sign of a deeper problem. Mansfield explained: “A woman’s ability to concentrate can be markedly affected, and we often downplay that – it can be a subtlety that we ally with having a baby or being pregnant, but these can be really important signs and symptoms to share with your health professional, as they may suggest there’s something that needs exploring further.” 6. Obsessive compulsive behaviour Starting to behave obsessively or compulsively, or symptoms of any pre-existing obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) getting worse, can be linked to perinatal mental ill health too. “Some women may be excessively tidying, for example, or be fixated on something and they may become more anxious,” said Mansfield. “Very commonly, obsessive compulsive disorder may become worsened. Certainly if someone does have compulsive disorders, it’s important not to put them to one side, but share them with your midwife. Picking it up early is so important.” 7. Unusual thoughts Of course, new parents will have lots of new things to think about – but when those thoughts are perhaps a little unusual, it’s worth talking to family, friends and your midwife or health visitor about them. Mansfield said: “Women may present with different thoughts they haven’t experienced before, and often they downplay that because they’re not sure whether they’re normal or not, or they might think they’re just part of being pregnant and having a baby. “The challenge for us as midwives is when you only have 15/20 minutes antenatally to do the whole health assessment – the physical and mental health assessment. It’s about understanding the subtlety of behaviour change.” Read More Charity boss speaks out over ‘traumatic’ encounter with royal aide Ukraine war’s heaviest fight rages in east - follow live This Morning’s Dr Zoe Williams: Why gut health could be more important than you think this summer Vitamin D intake ‘may reduce cancer mortality in the population by 15%’ – study Men who cycle, jog or swim could cut risk of nine cancers – study
2023-08-16 21:54
The 20 Best States to Have a Baby in 2023
The 20 Best States to Have a Baby in 2023
If you want to start a family, consider settling down in one of the best states for new parents.
2023-08-16 00:24